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今天是7月的最後一天啦~ 算算我們正式開始雅加達的生活也才兩個禮拜而已呀!
時間 過好慢喔.....

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lebacon 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

半夜的時候,突然覺得很想吐,有消化不良的感覺,記得上次有這樣感覺的時候是去雲南玩的時候。真是感覺噩夢又來了!而且隔天我們還要陪老公的表弟去提親,真是慘透了... 因為女方的家裡準備了好多吃的招待我們,結果我居然都沒有辦法吃,真是扼婉又不好意思呀∼∼ 不過,後來才知道這其實就是中暑啦!其實我已經頭暈好一陣子,因為沒有中過暑所以不太瞭。後來我被刮痧又吃了些藥把肚子裡的東西都排乾淨,就好很多了!不過這樣一個月內生兩次病,還真是破了我的紀錄!

lebacon 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

me, typing in english?!  ...yes, the only internet i can access is on hubby's PC.... just hope we can quickly find our new home, so my linux eeepc and ibook can go online too~

House hunt is not as smooth as we thought, apparently Bellagio's units are not as new as the showroom we saw before. some got horrible furniture or layout, some got poorly maintained toilet and kitchen. i really don't like any of the units shown by the agents. but since hubby insists of renting a unit there, i don't think i will have choice lar. our agent is nice, i really want he to get the commission~ ....please show us more flats bah!

actually, my life here now is just as i have imaged, staying with hubby's parents in a small city. it is fun when hubby's dad brought up that, hubby's mom has never been to "countryside" where hubby's dad originally from. i had OS in my head saying: countryside, you mean, "here"?:P  i wonder how would they feel when they really visit tw~ well, they really have no idea whom their son has married. well, with the language and culture barrier, i just tried to be good and the obedient daughter in law, and with a smile~ i enjoyed the time living here, pretty much as i am looking forward to explore my own life in jakarta~

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