Expatriate business people in Indonesia have rightful concern regarding land use and ownership rights for business purposes. Act No. 5 of 1960 regulates the umbrella law regarding rights over land ownership. The law covers some rights - mostly those to Indonesian citizens - namely rights of ownership (hak milik), building rights on land (hak guna bangunan), cultivation rights on land (hak guna usaha) and rights of use (hak pakai).
With the emergence of foreign investment and business in Indonesia, many foreign investors need buildings or land for their company. A foreign investor who wants to run their business in Indonesia can obtain building/office or land under these following rights:
Building Rights on Land
The right to build and possess a structure on land owned by others: The duration of right for the building is maximally 30 years, extendible for 20 years (article 30 Act No. by 5/1960). This right can be transferred to other persons selling and inheriting, who also can secure a loan, as a Hypothec Right.
Those who may obtain right-to-build deeds are Indonesian citizens and legal entities (such as a PT/limited liability company) established under Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia, either for 100 percent foreign-owned, joint venture or 100 percent Indonesian-owned companies. Foreign investors who desire to establish their business in Indonesia can have their building/office under a "rights to build" deed for a stipulated period.
Cultivation Right on Land
This is a right to cultivate on state land for agriculture and farming enterprises. The duration is maximally 25 years, extendable for 35 years, and should be registered at the Land Register at the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional/BPN). As in Right to Build, Cultivation Rights can secure a loan by delivering the certificate of Cultivation Rights to the lender. Indonesian citizens can own these rights, as can legal entities (such as PT/limited liability companies) established under Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia, either for 100 percent foreign-owned, joint venture or 100 percent Indonesian-owned companies.
Right of Use
This is the right to use and/or harvest from land directly owned by the state (rendered by authorized official government deed), or private land (by agreement with the owner of the land). This may be applied to land for use as a building site or for agricultural purposes. The transfer of this right must have local government authorization.
Right of Lease of Building
A person or Indonesian legal entity has rights to lease another's land. This right belongs to Indonesian citizens, foreigners, and legal entities (such as PT/limited liability companies) established under Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia or the representative office from a foreign legal entity. The leasee and the leaser can make an agreement to arrange it.
Hak Guna Bangunan vs. Hak Milik
Hak Guna Bangunan is only the right to use a building for a fixed period of time, which then has to be extended. The owner of Hak Guna Bangunan land is the Indonesian government. Meanwhile, only with Hak Milik do you actually own the land or the building. Hak Milik does need to be extended.
Purchasing Properties (Strata Title, Convertible Lease Agreement or indirect purchase)
By Indonesian law, a foreigner cannot own land in Indonesia but purchasing apartments or office space is possible through a strata title deed. The 1996 regulation (No. 41/1996) states that an expatriate who resides in Indonesia or visits the country regularly for business purposes can purchase a house, apartment or condominium, as long as it is not a government subsidized development. The title is only for right of use. In reality, the regulation No. 41/1996 is still somewhat unclear and no foreigner has actually been able to receive a strata title as a certificate of ownership. Despite this unclear legal ownership, foreigners sign a convertible lease agreement
with property management companies or indirectly by using the names of an Indonesian citizen whom they have a separate agreement with.
Convertible Lease Agreement
One manner for a foreigner to proceed with property purchases, despite legal ambiguities, is to sign a Convertible Lease Agreement to purchase an apartment. Under the forgoing agreement, the foreigner may purchase the apartment, but the title is still held in the name of the developer or property management firm. This lease agreement is for a definite period.
The Convertible Lease Agreement states that, if and when the prevailing laws and regulations permit, the lessee becomes the legal owner of the apartment/strata title unit. Both the lesser and the lessee will be obligated to sign a deed of sale and purchase and the title will be transferred to the foreign owner.
If you are interested in purchasing a condominium through this type of agreement, investigate the property management company thoroughly. In the current economic downturn, many developers are bearing serious economic pressures and construction costs on many properties that have been delayed or canceled. Consult with a reputable lawyer to ensure that all legal implications are thoroughly covered.
Indirect Ownership
Another way to purchase a condo is in the name of an Indonesian citizen. But the person must be someone you really trust. The person would be the legal owner of the property according to the law.
It is strongly suggested that before making any property purchases or signing any property agreements, foreigners should consult bona fide lawyers that are experts in Indonesian property ownership to understand the legal status of the ownership.
Aturan - Aturan beli properti di indonesia untuk orang asing: Apabila orang asing membeli property di Indonesia hak yang dapat di gunakan adalah:
HAK PAKAI adalah: hak umtuk menggunakan dan memungut hasil dari tanah yang di kuasai langsung oleh warga Negara atau than milik orang lain yang memberi wewenang dan kewajiban yang di tentukan dalam keputusan pemberiannya oleh pejabat yang berwenang memberikannya atau dalam perjanjian dengan pemilik tanahnya yang bukan perjanjian sewa menyewa atau perjanjian pengolahan tanah yang segala sesuatu tidak bertentangan dengan jiwa dan ketentuan-ketentuan undang-undang.
HAK PAKAI dapat diberikan sebagai berikut:
* Selama jangka waktu yang tertentu atau selama tanahnya di pergunakan untuk keperluan yang tertentu.
* Dengan cuma-cuma, denagan pembayaran atau pemberian jasa berupa apapun.
* Jangka waktu hak pakai adalah 30 tahunan dan dapat di perpanjang dengan waktu paling lama 20 tahun.
Yang dapat memperoleh hak pakai adalah:
1. Warga Negara Indonesia ( WNI )
2. Orang asing yang berkedudukan di indonesia
3. Badan - badan hukum yang di dirikan menurut hukum Indonesia dan berkedudukan di Indonesia.
4. Badan hukum asing yang mempunyai perwakilan di Indonesia.
Untuk membuat permohonan hak pakai bagi WNA(Warga Negara Asing) sertifikat asal di ubah menjadi hak pakai kemudian di laksanakan jual-beli dengan syarat sebagai berikut:
Apabila orang asing itu mempunyai PT sendiri maka Hak yang digunakan adalah Hak yang di gunakan adalah HAK GUNA BANGUNAN. Hak Guna Bangunan adalah : Hak untuk mendirikan dan mempunyai bangunan - bangunan atas tanah yang bukan miliknya sendiri dengan jangka waktu paling lama 30 tahun , dan jangka waktu tersebut dapat di perpanjang paling lama 20 tahun. Hak Guna Bangunan dapat beralih dan dapat di alihkan kepada pihak lain. Yang dapat memperoleh HakGuna Bangunan adalah:
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Badan hukum yang didirikan menurut hukum di Indonesia dan berkedudukan Indonesia.
3. Orang asing yang berkedudukan di Indonesia
4. Badan hukum asing yang mempunyai perwakilan di Indonesia
Orang atau badan hukum yang mempunyai Hak Guna Bangunan dan tidak lagi memenuhi syarat-syarat tersebut dalam jangka waktu 1 tahun wajib melepaskan atau mengalihkan syarat. Jika Hak Guna Bangunan tersebut tidak di lepaskan atau di alihkan dalam jangka waktu tersebut maka hak itu di hapus karena hukum. Hak Guna Bangunan dapat dihapus karena:
1. Jangka waktu berakhir
2. Dihentikan sebelum jangka waktunya berakhir karena sesuatu syarat yang tidak di penuhi.
3. Dilepaskan oleh pemegang haknya sebelum jangka waktunya.
4. Di cabut untuk kepentingan umum
5. Di telantarkan
6. Tanahnya musnah.
Syarat - syarat untuk permohonan Hak Guna Bangunan:
1. Sertifikat asli
2. Foto copy passport
3. Sppt tahun berakhir
- Sep 14 Wed 2011 17:04
Rules for Foreigners buying properties in Indonesia