還是繼續在講名詞,Ke+形容詞/動詞/字根+an = 名詞 (eg. ke+jujur+an= kejujuran 誠實)
另外還有Ke+tidak+形容詞/動詞/字根+an = 名詞 (eg. ke+tidak+jujur+an= ketidakjujuran 不誠實)
15課正式進入到 MeN+字根+i 的動詞了
不過 MeN+i的動詞意思 跟 字根本身的意思,有點給他跳tone~
像是 obat 藥 變成Men+i的動詞之後 ﹦mengobati 去治癒
alam大自然 變成動詞 ﹦mengalami 去經驗
除了動詞,15課還教了幾個詞:sejak, selama, asalkan, walaupun, oleh karean itu 的用法
sejak 跟 selama 都是用在時間上
下面是14 & 15 課的生字筆記啦~
Verb 動詞
terletak to locate/located
mengunakan to use
pendapat to opinion
mengobati to cure obat medicine
melayani to serve layan service
menemani to accompany teman friend
menandatangani to sign anda tangan your hand
menangani to handle tangan hand
menikamati to enjoy nikmat enjoy
menasehati to advise nasehat advice
mengalami to experience alam nature
mengatasi to solve atas up
mengakui to admit aku me/I
mengurkangi to reduce kurang less
menghargai to appreciate harga price
membiayai to finance biaya expense/cost/fee
memenuhi to fulfill penuh full/rich
Noun 名詞
tetangga neighbour
atap roof
genteng tiles
gudang storage
sumur well
hantu ghost
penunggunya 有阿飄(在那裡)
tugas task/assignment
rapat meeting
alasan cause
kelompok group
bahan pengawet preservative
beracun poinsonous
permintaan request
ombak wave
pengaruh influence
pengetahuan knowledge
kejujuran honesty
kepuasan satisfaction
keberangkatan departure
kematian death
kelahiran birth
kedudukan position
kekhawatiran break
kemungkinan possibility
keadaan circumstance
ketidakefisienan unefficiency
Adj 形容詞
tenang quiet/calm
sabar patient
untungnya luckily
penting important
mewah luxurious
nyaman comfortable
sembuh recovery
susah different
lembab humid
tersesat lost
bersejarah historial
pelupa forgetful
sedih sad gembira joy
lemah weak keras strong
sepi quiet siibuk busy
pandai smart bodoh stupid
sayang sekali unfortunately
sedangkan the other hand
terbuat made
sambil while
sementara meanwile
sejak since (+time)
selama during (+time)
asalkan as long as
walaupun although
oleh karen itu for that reason
walaupun although
kalaupun althought
kalau if
sama sekali at all
segera immediately
bahwa that
keras kepala stubborn
strong head
ngomong-ngomong by the way
kelihatnnya seems like
噎~ 交差完^^ 一身輕啦:P
也是比較新的東西嚕~ 接下來真的要專心記筆記嚕~~
- Mar 09 Wed 2011 20:42
BI筆記:中級班 lesson 7 & 8